Sunday, January 22, 2012

Red Tails! It's Still Opening Weekend...

Because I do my best to practice what I preach, my husband and I caught the 7:30pm showing of Red Tails last night and we loved it (check out my ticket stub below). I won't call it a perfect movie, but Red Tails was all I needed it to be.

It had the action that was promised and it had me emotionally invested in the young men who braved those skies. While they were confident in their abilities they were human and flawed.

All I can say is, I'm glad I checked it out and I hope you will join me in supporting films that matter. 

When I think of how a movie like Devil Inside earned $34.5 million on its opening date (that's one day), I'm genuinely intrigued and I get fired up about the movies--like Red Tails--that take more than 20 years to see the light of day and tell the stories of our history many would just as soon seen thrown to wayside.

There is power in numbers. The all mighty dollar still reigns supreme and we must show Hollywood the money! (Hehe)

Paint the town Red! I know I did.

*At the time of this post, Red Tails was #2 at the box office with $19.1 million*

1 comment:

  1. I miss you net! We haven't heard much from you in the blog-o-sphere recently! <3




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--First “Pink” Lady