Bone-chilling, ain't it? But the former governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate is saying that her campaign for President of the United States in 2012 is a possibility. Certainly, her campaign is a possibility (living on Mars is a possibility). Getting the citizens of the free world to elect her is a different story, entirely.
I say this now, if ever Sarah Palin is elected President of these here United States , I will be on the next plane out of the country. I will not live in a country led by a woman who can't so much as give a straight answer when asked a direct question. Really, Sarah Palin? Do you really think you have what it takes to run this country and maintain its status in the world?
Were you oblivious as to the real reason McCain didn't win? This country was utterly terrified at the thought of you being next in line. I know I was. And this is not a question of whether or not it's time for a female Commander in Chief, it's certainly time. This is a question of competency. Under no circumstances would I ever want our country in danger (again) because of incompetent leadership. Case and point, former President George W. Bush.
photo taken from www.hailtothechiefs.com
photo taken from www.hailtothechiefs.com
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