Monday, December 27, 2010

Teena Marie: Ivory Queen of Soul

Such sad news to relay this holiday season. One of the most influential, funky and iconic voices of R&B/soul music has departed. 

Teena Marie, arguably, best-known for her funky hit Square Biz and her soul-stirring duet Fire & Desire, with Rick James passed away in her sleep on December 26, 2010. The cause of her death remains unknown at this time. She was found by her daughter Alia Rose.

Marie was the protégé and one-time romantic interest of funk/R&B icon, Rick James. Teena and Rick collaborated on Fire & Desire, for what would be their last television appearance together, at the 2004 BET Awards. Rick James died on August 6, 2004.
Teena and Rick, together again.

Thank you for making "Everybody get up" and letting us get on down.

RIP Lady Tee

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Where in the world is Maxwell? He got us all fired up and now he's MIA again. I can't take all of this push and pull with my musical heart, Max.

I got to see him and Jill Scott put it down over the summer at MSG and I was pumped for some mo' grown folks music, but alas, that second album is no where to be found. I'm very disappointed.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Right Quick

Hello, lovely people. Happy Friday!
I don't have a lot of time, but I haven't posted in a while and I just need to comment on a few things right quick.

Is jail the place to be right now? You just got out and now you're heading back like it's an all-inclusive vacation or something.

As much as I love the "King of the South," I have to say that I am sorely disappointed with the poor choices he (and his wife) continue to make. TI says that with this last sentence, he has learned his final lesson. I sure hope that is true and that he demonstrates that when he gets out, again. It's just such a shame. Your kids suffer from your choices, TI. I need you (and your wife) to get it together. Grow up! You're so much better than this.

Cast of "Glee" - GQ Spread:
Once again, GQ is the source of a little buzz. Most recently with their sexy spread of the cast of "Glee."
Some parents are up in arms about the spread that depicts the female ACTORS of the popular hit show in sexy school-girl outfits and otherwise scantily clad attire. I have not seen the entire spread, but their claim is that these young women play high school students on a show for young kids and it is very inappropriate to sexualize them in this way. I disagree that "Glee" is a show for young kids, more like young adults, but I understand the concern that there are enough sexually provocative images in the public domain. There are enough.

The Parents Television Council released a statement stating that the spread "borders on pedophilia." I have to say that I don't completely disagree with this statement. While I don't believe that this was GQ's intention, this spread, in the hands of not-quite-right men, is potentially dangerous. But in all fairness, these same men will have passed dozens of similar, if not worse, images on their way to the newsstand to pick up a copy.

Baby news:
Congratulations to A. Keys and Swizz Beatz
Since my last check in, Alicia gave birth to her first child, a baby boy. I understand his name is Egypt. Beautiful. God Bless.

Please, leave Beyoncé alone about babies. When she and her husband decide to start a family is entirely up to them. I can just imagine if she actually had put on a few pounds; the rumor mill would churn for months.
Well, that's my two cents, for now.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Been Gone For a Minute...

OK!!! So sorry for the delay, but I am back and in full effect.

Be honest... Did you miss me? :)

Let's see. What has been going on in the world? Better question, what has NOT been going on in this world? I'm not even sure where to start...

Here we go. Usher. I have to get this off of my chest.
I want you to grow up! I have loved you as an artist and as a performer for such a long time. From My Way to trying your hand as an actor to your prolific Confessions album. I enjoyed and was impressed by the velocity of your shooting star and was happy for your success. But I must say that I have found myself disappointed with you as a man. Not that I believe you to be a disingenuous person, I am just saddened by your string of poor choices (whether it's your poor choice in women or the ways in which you have handles your career these past few years). You strike me as a very intelligent and forward-thinking man, and talented to boot, so pardon me if I am puzzled by your inability to maintain a committed relationship or reclaim your once thriving career. Marriage is a leap of extraordinary faith that no one should ever take lightly. I am not privy to whatever the true reason for the demise of your marriage, but I am inclined to believe that you both copped out. In my opinion, your marriage was far too young to have been irreparable. For a love that was so true, it couldn't stand up to hand full of anniversaries? I'm puzzled.

In any case, your union spawned two beautiful little babies, which is the evidence of God's work. Not that I believe that the Master Planner put you two together to tear you apart, but He obviously had it mind to create your boys.
Getting back to my point. What I really want to talk about is Usher, the artist, the singer, the entertainer, the performer. I need you to come to terms with the fact that you are no longer 20 years old. You are not a teeny-bopper and you certainly do not have a squeaky-clean image. Your music right now is so beneath you. Not the vocals--those are fine as ever. This whole dance/house music bandwagon that everyone is jumping on is killing me. I need you to stop dancing around the stage like some big kid and grow up. I know you make the claim that everyone is doing it, but it's not becoming of you and, quite frankly, it comes off as desperate. I enjoy you way too much to say nothing.

Stay tuned for more of what's on my mind...


Thursday, July 8, 2010

A. Keys

This is kind of random, but I am so happy for Alicia Keys and her happiness. She is just brimming with happiness it's infectious. I believe that she will make an awesome mom. Her spirit is just so beautiful and honest.

I have always said that it is so important to not only have success in your career but to also have success in your personal life. While making money and being an international icon is all well and good, everyone needs and should have companionship, a partner, a confidante. One must make time to enjoy the fruits of one's labor and I am in such awe of women like Alicia, Beyoncé, Angela Bassett, Holly Robinson-Peete, Jada Pinkett Smith and even Oprah. These women understand the true joys of life and made it a point to not sacrifice their personal happiness for fame because we all know enough to know that fame and money do not equate happiness. 




With respect to music artists... All I'm saying is, as an artist, if you know that your audience is mostly young boys and girls, it is your responsibility to ensure that your lyrics, videos, wardrobe and your overall image is appropriate for all ages. It's no coincidence that your music is so catchy as to get toddlers singing about rude boys and bad romances. Music is such a powerful force, we really have to be careful with it. I am speaking to the Rihannas, Lady Gagas, and even the Beyoncés of the music world. You can't show up all your coot-cat on stage and in your videos and then want to play the lady in interviews. You confuse your young fans. Hell, you confuse me! I know you're smart, I am looking for that redeeming quality, but not everyone does.

This is not to say that parents don't have a responsibility to raise upstanding children, but the influence of public figures can not be dismissed. Why else would a company pay anyone in excess of six figures to be "the face of" this and that. Celebrities are influential personalities and these companies are banking on that. 


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monica: Brains & Beauty

As a Monica fan from the first note of Don't Take it Personal (Just One of Dem Days), I simply have to express just how proud I am of her as an artist and as a woman. Vocally, Monica has always been well ahead of her time, but if you have ever listened to her speak during an interview... She is such a well-spoken and thoughtful person; always has been. It's so clear to me that her church upbringing influences the way she shapes her thoughts. She is grounded and honest and never has any intention to elude you. This is why, I believe, she is never mixed up in any gossip and tabloid nonsense. She's like our realest homegirl who will tell you about yourself and remain a lady.
I have so much admiration for artists with minds. What I mean is, apart from their music, I enjoy hearing artists express themselves in an articulate and coherent fashion. When individuals have as much influence on our youth as they do, it's important to know that they are intelligent and well-spoken as well as talented. This sends a message to our youth that even if your goal is to be a rock star it doesn't mean that you can do without an education. Artists like Monica, Alicia Keys, Mos Def, Jay-Z, and a host of others, are refreshing. It means so much when an artist can answer questions while sparing us the fifty million "umms"" and "you knows." No, I don't know anything yet, you haven't said anything!

Let's do better.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Brandy & Ray J: A Family Business

If you're anything like me and you came up when Brandy, Monica, Usher, Immature and the like were dominating the music scene, then you know just how phenomenal that time was in R&B music. The music was energetic and honest, coming from artists who were well-managed and well-maintained; lyrics hadn't yet reached the level of perversion that exists today and dial-up was still the fastest way to connect to the world wide web.

I love Brandy and Ray J. As artists, their voices are so distinct. As actors, they deliver the goods; they're both very funny and have always seemed like all-around good kids. I love how close they are and how well their collaborations have gone over in the past. I really look forward to them working on an album together in the future.

With all that said, I want to comment on a statement made by Brandy during the second episode of their new reality show titled Brandy & Ray J: A Family Business. Ray J is in the process of striking a deal with super-producer Rodney Jerkins on a project of a collaborative nature and Brandy felt very strongly against the whole idea. Apparently, Rodney and Brandy's relationship (personal and professional) is on the rocks because she feels that her collaboration with him on her latest album, Human, did not fair so well while her previous work with him on her sophomore effort, Never Say Never, did extremely well (5x platinum). Her feeling is that Rodney did not put his all in to her project and that is why it did not do so well.

Truthfully, I feel that Brandy is being very immature and placing way too much weight on Rodney. An album's success is not attributed solely to the production, but rather to the entire package. You're talking marketing, promotional appearances, packaging, the artist's popularity at the time of the album's release... There are so many things that, as a consumer not involved in the music industry at all, I know are crucial to an album's success. Speaking as a Brandy fan who owns Never Say Never and Human (and the ones in between), they were both really good projects. There's no doubt that Never Say Never was the bomb, but you also have to consider Brandy's level of exposure and popularity when that album dropped. She was in our homes every week as Moesha and we loved her. When Human was released, we hadn't heard from Brandy in a minute and that can be an eternity in the entertainment world. The last wave of publicity surrounding Brandy wasn't the best: her fans were shocked to learn that she lied about being married to her daughter's father, she'd been involved in that unfortunate accident, she was no longer a judge on America's Got Talent, that dang tape of her brother and his ex had surfaced... Way too much negative going on and not enough ways to spin it in her favor.

In my opinion, Human was a great album. I didn't find a problem with production. I found a problem with marketing and promotion for the album. Perhaps, the real culprit behind the album's success (or the perceived lack thereof) is her label. There are artists with very lackluster albums who manage to sell big on the strength of promotion, alone. You live, you learn and you move on.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GQ: The Massive Misstep

Okay, so here we go again with an inappropriate magazine cover. Though this story is what some might call old news....
GQ Magazine has selected, Rielle Hunter, the mistress of former presidential candidate John Edwards, to cover their most recent issue. What makes the mother of John Edwards' love child an appealing cover girl to GQ readers is something I may never know, but I digress.

Sources say that she was "repulsed" by the spread and cried for hours when she saw it. Now, video footage of the photo shoot showed Ms. Hunter taking the photographer's direction and reviewing the shots with no obvious objection. In a statement made to NBC News, Ms. Hunter stated
I understood what photos were being taken. It was my mistake to pose for them given I had no photo control or approval. I also posed for many photos that I thought were more appropriate for the content of the interview. Obviously I really wish they had decided to use those. I stand by this interview and would give the exact same answers under oath.
The photo shoot just screams, "Look at me, look at me!" Such cries for attention are unattractive and, clearly, very desperate attempts at milking this...situation for all it's worth when your focus should really be on your child and distancing yourself from such public displays.

In my opinion, Ms. Hunter doesn't look very natural in the photos and she didn't look especially comfortable in the footage.

Whether her apparent discomfort was with being photographed or with being photographed in such a sensual way, I don't know the answer to that, but I imagine that she was so "repulsed" by the spread because it is a very unflattering display.
While I respect her statement of admission that the spread was a show of poor judgment on her part, the photo shoot simply was not a success and, going forward, she should refrain from any such public displays of herself.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Scariest Statement You Could Ever Hear

President Sarah Palin

Bone-chilling, ain't it? But the former governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate is saying that her campaign for President of the United States in 2012 is a possibility. Certainly, her campaign is a possibility (living on Mars is a possibility). Getting the citizens of the free world to elect her is a different story, entirely.

I say this now, if ever Sarah Palin is elected President of these here United States, I will be on the next plane out of the country. I will not live in a country led by a woman who can't so much as give a straight answer when asked a direct question. Really, Sarah Palin? Do you really think you have what it takes to run this country and maintain its status in the world?

Were you oblivious as to the real reason McCain didn't win? This country was utterly terrified at the thought of you being next in line. I know I was. And this is not a question of whether or not it's time for a female Commander in Chief, it's certainly time. This is a question of competency. Under no circumstances would I ever want our country in danger (again) because of incompetent leadership. Case and point, former President George W. Bush.

photo taken from

Public Transit Etiquette: 10 ways to improve the system

I'm a New Yorker, born and raised. I’ve dealt with my share of pushing and shoving on the buses and trains, but now that I live in Massachusetts, I have to say that the T-riders take the cake, no contest. There's hardly any concept of moving in to the car, here. I get the craziest looks.

I’ve often joked that the transit system needs monitors (or rope) to direct the flow of traffic. This would work for the buses at the T stations, especially. To get home, I take the bus from the T and that place is an absolute mess. Everyone is trying to pack on the bus at once, instead of boarding single-file, and it’s so annoying. (Don't even get me started on the lack of chivalrous behavior from the foreign men.) Now if there was a rope—much like the one you see at the movie theater and the bank—I truly believe that it would create some order and actually get riders on more quickly. I figure, if the system won't make a change then the riders should change the way they use the system.

Here are 10 things that we all can do to facilitate a more efficient transit system:

1. Have your method of payment in hand when boarding the bus or approaching the gate/turnstile.
2. When waiting to board the train, stand to the side and let the riders off first.
3. When boarding the train or bus, move as far in as possible to allow others to board behind you.
It’s rude to stand at the door when there are a dozen people behind you.
4. When exiting the bus, use the rear door.
5. When on the train or bus, remove large backpacks that will obstruct riders from moving past you.
6. Seats are for people, not shopping bags. Place your bags under your seat.
7. When travelling with little ones, it is usually best to break down strollers and hold your child.
8. Stay to your right! This is useful when going up or down the stairs, walking on the street or whatever.
It’s just a good practice.
9. Purchase/refill your card or ticket before your next trip. Nothing like avoiding a long line at the machine.
10. Mind your manners. “Excuse me,” “Please,” and “Thank You” go a long way.

Like so many things in life, if everyone did their part, the world would be a better place. I'm just sayin'.

photo from


Question: Why do so many female celebrities find it necessary to create this self-imposed, larger than life image of perfection and then want to "empower" women to love who they are on the inside? 

The reason so many young girls and women find it hard to accept their own body image is because of all the "perfect" celebrities they see covering the magazines.

Maybe young girls find it hard to love the reflection of themselves, despite what mom and dad may say, because all the boys their age are head over heels for Rihanna who is half-naked in her music videos and practically naked on the cover of GQ magazine looking more like a sculpted goddess than a real woman. Of course, they will then believe that that's what it takes to be noticed.

Now, this is not to suggest that any woman should have to downplay her self-assurance and confidence for the sake of another woman's self-esteem, but when you have so many young girls and women looking up to you and wanting to be like you, why emphasize one side? Why sexualize yourself at every chance you get?

And for our young boys and men, they need to see that women as more than sex symbols. They need to see these young women looking real and being human. As parents we have a role to play, but the powerful people in our society have to change the images our children are exposed to day in and day out, as well. Young boys are very impressionable when it comes to their views of women. We need to show them early on that women are more than their curves. We need to teach them to equate sexy with a kind heart, intelligence and strength, not just hips and butts and breasts. Agree or disagree, I'm just saying...


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oscar buzz

So, now that the Grammy hoopla is all said and done, the countdown to this year's Oscars can begin. I won't comment too much about the Grammy's simply because I was disappointed and I don't care to dwell on the negative. Instead, I would like to look toward the future with optimism. [10-second time out: Did anyone else feel robbed by A.Keys' absence?]

I am delighted to know that Mo'Nique and Gabourey "Gabby" Sidibe have both been nominated for their roles in Precious. I'm so thrilled for both women. Mo'Nique has been sweeping through the awards circuit and I'm hopeful that her jaw-dropping performance will be awarded the highest of honors. Gabby has been nominated with no wins as yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her. Not only that, but the Precious has been nominated for "Best Picture" (along with nine other films, but I won't get into how I feel about the expansion of this category) which is beyond fabulous. Director Lee Daniels must be on cloud-9 these days.

This is a bit of a side-bar to the wonderful news above... So many times a phenomenal film of mostly African-American actors will "take the country by storm" and spark a discussion on race, the lack of work for black actors and "what this film will do" for black actors. We saw it with Dreamgirls a few years ago, I'm sure there was the same buzz surrounding The Color Purple. Precious is no different, but instead of just color this time around, we are all a buzz about how this movie will change the face of the leading lady. Will she no longer have to be fair-skinned and thin or a sexy Latina? We'd all like to believe that things will change. My God, with a black First Family, we all wanted to believe that SOMEthing would change. I'm sad to say that, honestly, I believe that not much has changed at all.

In any case, I'll be tuning into the 82nd Annual Academy Awards show on Sunday, March 7th and I hope you will be too.

Oscar photo taken from