OK!!! So sorry for the delay, but I am back and in full effect.
Be honest... Did you miss me? :)
Let's see. What has been going on in the world? Better question, what has NOT been going on in this world? I'm not even sure where to start...
Here we go. Usher. I have to get this off of my chest.
Be honest... Did you miss me? :)
Let's see. What has been going on in the world? Better question, what has NOT been going on in this world? I'm not even sure where to start...
Here we go. Usher. I have to get this off of my chest.
I want you to grow up! I have loved you as an artist and as a performer for such a long time. From My Way to trying your hand as an actor to your prolific Confessions album. I enjoyed and was impressed by the velocity of your shooting star and was happy for your success. But I must say that I have found myself disappointed with you as a man. Not that I believe you to be a disingenuous person, I am just saddened by your string of poor choices (whether it's your poor choice in women or the ways in which you have handles your career these past few years). You strike me as a very intelligent and forward-thinking man, and talented to boot, so pardon me if I am puzzled by your inability to maintain a committed relationship or reclaim your once thriving career. Marriage is a leap of extraordinary faith that no one should ever take lightly. I am not privy to whatever the true reason for the demise of your marriage, but I am inclined to believe that you both copped out. In my opinion, your marriage was far too young to have been irreparable. For a love that was so true, it couldn't stand up to hand full of anniversaries? I'm puzzled.
In any case, your union spawned two beautiful little babies, which is the evidence of God's work. Not that I believe that the Master Planner put you two together to tear you apart, but He obviously had it mind to create your boys.
In any case, your union spawned two beautiful little babies, which is the evidence of God's work. Not that I believe that the Master Planner put you two together to tear you apart, but He obviously had it mind to create your boys.
Getting back to my point. What I really want to talk about is Usher, the artist, the singer, the entertainer, the performer. I need you to come to terms with the fact that you are no longer 20 years old. You are not a teeny-bopper and you certainly do not have a squeaky-clean image. Your music right now is so beneath you. Not the vocals--those are fine as ever. This whole dance/house music bandwagon that everyone is jumping on is killing me. I need you to stop dancing around the stage like some big kid and grow up. I know you make the claim that everyone is doing it, but it's not becoming of you and, quite frankly, it comes off as desperate. I enjoy you way too much to say nothing.
Stay tuned for more of what's on my mind...
Stay tuned for more of what's on my mind...