Sunday, January 22, 2012

Red Tails! It's Still Opening Weekend...

Because I do my best to practice what I preach, my husband and I caught the 7:30pm showing of Red Tails last night and we loved it (check out my ticket stub below). I won't call it a perfect movie, but Red Tails was all I needed it to be.

It had the action that was promised and it had me emotionally invested in the young men who braved those skies. While they were confident in their abilities they were human and flawed.

All I can say is, I'm glad I checked it out and I hope you will join me in supporting films that matter. 

When I think of how a movie like Devil Inside earned $34.5 million on its opening date (that's one day), I'm genuinely intrigued and I get fired up about the movies--like Red Tails--that take more than 20 years to see the light of day and tell the stories of our history many would just as soon seen thrown to wayside.

There is power in numbers. The all mighty dollar still reigns supreme and we must show Hollywood the money! (Hehe)

Paint the town Red! I know I did.

*At the time of this post, Red Tails was #2 at the box office with $19.1 million*

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Red Tails, Red Tails... Watch all about it!

Photo credit:

Friday, January 20, 2012

The new feature film about the Tuskegee Airmen making its way to a theatre near you next Friday, Jan 20th is directed by Anthony Hemingway, executive-produced by George Lucas of Star Wars fame, and starring an all-black cast, naturally.

This film is a long-time coming and much of its delay is due to the fact that this country and our film industry continues to struggle with racism. A film based on the black pilots who fought in the segregated Armed Forces during World War II struggled to secure funding because it featured, get all-black cast. I ask the silly question, should they have called Brad Pitt to star in this film? Hollywood claimed they didn't know how to market such a film that didn't feature a single white lead. Well isn't this a story we've heard many times over?

Why has Hollywood not figured out that they are missing out on a powerful force within the market by failing to realize that by not supporting films featuring all-or mostly-black casts, such as Red Tails, they simply fulfill their own notion that films like this will fail. Fact is, they can't succeed or fail if you don't make it. In any event, I won't get too off topic because this post is about the film, not Hollywood's ignorance.

If you're wondering who is in this fabulous film coming to theaters on Friday, Jan 20th, wonder no more. Red Tails stars some of our favorite chocolate leading men and a few "baby chocolates" (LOL) who are surely making their way in the business. Check them out below: 

Photo credit:

Terrence Howard (Academy Award nominee for Hustle & Flow; Crash)
Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Academy Award winner for Jerry Maguire; Snow Dogs, Radio)
Nate Parker (The Great Debaters)
Tristan Wilds (HBO's The Wire, 90210)
Ne-Yo (Battle: Los Angeles, Stomp the Yard)
Michael B. Jordan (HBOs The Wire, Lie to Me) *Update 1/22/12*
Andre Royo (HBOs The Wire, Heroes*Update 1/22/12*
David Oyelowo (The Last King of Scotland, Raisin in the Sun)

Photo credit:
Method Man (HBO's The Wire, How High)

Marcus T. Paulk (Moesha, Roll Bounce*Update 1/22/12*

Photo credit:
Laz Alonso (Jumping the Broom, Miracle at St. Anna)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Go out and support (no bootlegs!). This is the film of the year and you don't want to miss out.

**Update 1/22/12: While an incredible performer, Laz Alonso is NOT in the Red Tails film. I apologize for this bit of misinformation. I must have seen a photo of him at a Red Tails premiere or was recalling his role in Miracle at St. Anna.**

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy and healthful New Year! Welcome to 2012. 

I hope that you were able to accomplish all that you set out to do in 2011 and are looking forward to new challenges in this year. Now (as always) is the time for growth.

I wish you all the best. Be well.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

...and baby makes 3

I know, I know, I know... This news is older than old, but this is for those who may be out of touch with world news.

Congratulations are in order for Beyoncé and Jay-Z. The two superstars are now expectant parents.

At the 2011 MTV VMA awards, held August 28, Beyoncé announced, in an uncharacteristically not-so-subtle way (but in true Beyoncé over the top fashion), that she is with child.

As she closed out her energetic performance of Love on Top, a track from her latest album 4, the glowing Queen dropped the mic, unbuttoned her sequined blazer and put her growing heir on display. Before leaving the stage, she rubbed her belly in a knowing fashion and the crowd erupted in mutual celebration.

Unbeknownst to the viewing audience, Beyoncé first confirmed the pregnancy while walking the event's red carpet. Wearing a loose-fitting orange gown (a very flattering color for her), she presented her growing belly for cameras.

Congratulations to Beyoncé and Jay!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Please forgive me...

You haven't heard a peep from me since March and that's so uncool. My apologies, but life gets absolutely crazy cakes.

To briefly bring you all up to speed. Since my last post, I've started my master's program (Publishing), I've taken on quite a bit more at work and I have embarked on what I am calling my "second natural hair journey". I look forward to revamping my blog soon and posting more pics and vids.

In short, I promise to be more present going forward, but please pardon me while I run off to class.

Peace and meaningful existence!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nate Dogg: The Gangsta Crooner

It is with great sadness that I relay that another stronghold of the Hip-Hop industry has fallen.

Nathaniel Dwayne Hale, better known as Nate Dogg, was called home on 3/15/2011 at the too young age of 41. Cause of death is believed to be related to health complications. Some may recall that Nate Dogg suffered multiple strokes a few years ago and reportedly never fully recovered.
I'm sure you all share my sentiment when I say that we are saddened by his passing and wish his family peace and continued love as they mourn his loss.
Please enjoy the following tribute posted by OfficialGangstaMusik at YouTube:

RIP Nate Dogg 
8/19/69 - 3/15/11

Monday, January 10, 2011

Good Samaritans Get Spammed...By Charities

I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but I feel so violated by charitable organizations. Not only are they relentless in their solicitation mailings, but they sell your information to other organizations. Why is this legal? My support of a charity of my choosing does not give you the right to beg money from me. For the love of all that is holy, I simply cannot give to everyone who asks!!

In my opinion, postal mail spam is 100x worse than email spam. There is no spam blocker for your home mailbox.

What bugs me most about the unsolicited mail, apart from the fact that I have to go about shredding everything, is the fact that you have to jump through hoops just to get your name removed from a list you never asked to go on in the first place. Why should I have to spend my valuable time writing you to ask you to remove my name from your list? And have to use my perfectly good stamp at that!! Nothing about that is reasonable.

What is most disheartening about the whole thing is that, with each mailing, these charities send address labels, personalized note pads, calendars and all sorts of other unrequested nonsense. I will have to live in my apartment and mail 5 letters each day to get rid of all of the address labels I have acquired from the charities that I DON’T EVEN DONATE TO. Couldn’t those needy children have benefitted from the money spent on the mailing that is going to end up in the trash? I don’t know about you, but I closely examine things like that. If I am going to donate, I need to feel confident that my money will be well-spent. 

In effect, please ease up on the mailbox assualt.

